EDI Standards

Paula Ditallo pditallo at uswat.uswest.com
Thu May 16 00:24:45 AEST 1991

Hello All --

	Our Read News setup doesn't seem to be able to access the active file...
	(nor does the file exist anywhere on the disk farm I have access
	to ) so I haven't figured out how to get a copy of the file to help
	me direct this next question to the right SIG ....however I
	figure some lucky C programmer/Unix Administrator or another has gotten
	suckered into writing an EDI application..or has had to maintain

	Here's the question:

	Does anyone know where I can go to get a copy of the 
	transfer protocol standards ?

	...and is there a SIG on the usenet dedicated to this sort of

	...and last....how do I find my way out of this wet paper bag
	I'm in.....and get a copy of the active SIG lists?




	Paula L. DiTallo             Delta Research & Development
	11994 Bear Park Rd.          999 18th Street, Suite #1000
	Conifer, CO 80433            Denver, CO  80202
        "76176.1634 at compuserv.com"   1-303-291-9525 "pditallo at uswest.com" 


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