DLL, Borland C++, MS-Windows

Michael Hoennig Michael_Hoennig at hb.maus.de
Wed May 15 04:39:00 AEST 1991


we have a problem with DLLs under MS-Windows 3.0 and Borland C++ 2.0.
After extiting the last application using a specific DLL (this might
be the debugger) the system reboots automatically.

There are no global class instances in the DLL but in the application.

What can be our exact problem?
How can we debug the exit-code of the DLL (it is'nt our exit code but
the of the compilers runtime).

Michael Hoennig -- Dobbelersweg 45 -- D-2000 Hamburg 26 --++49 40 2 19 24 58
office: mi1 at starlab.UUCP -- ++49 40 23 08 56 (StarDivision Hamburg)

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