K & R C book for sale - $20

Xinjun Hou txhou at mcs.drexel.edu
Mon May 27 04:41:44 AEST 1991

  For sale, "The C Programming Language" 
  by Brian W Kernighan and Dennis W Ritchie (1978)

  Original version, the books(two copies) are new, never used.

  I will pay shipping and handling to anywhere
  in USA. The book costs $30 in our bookstore, I ask for $20.

  Please communicate via my E-mail address.


--- Xinjun Hou ---		   |	Dept. of Phys. & Atm. Sci.
txhou at king.mcs.drexel.edu	   |	Drexel University
houxj at einstein.physics.drexel.edu  |	Philadelphia, PA 19104

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