C code for initializing Hayes-compatibles on IBM PCs

Scott Davies c60b-1gh at web-1g.berkeley.edu
Sun May 5 12:39:06 AEST 1991

     Does anyone know where I might be able to find some C code
containing routines that get a Hayes-compatible on an IBM to start up
and dial telephone numbers?  I've been trying to write such routines
with Turbo C++ using DOS interrupts, inline assembly, and so on, and
it doesn't SEEM all that complicated, but for some reason I just can't
get the modem to dial.  (Yes, I know I need to use "AT" commands to 
do this.)  

Thanks in advance!
(Please reply by e-mail if possible: c60b-1gh at weaver.berkeley.edu)

Scott Davies
Student at University of California at Berkeley

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