program to repetively display command on crt

Henry Spencer henry at utzoo.UUCP
Thu Nov 29 07:30:29 AEST 1984

> > It seems stupid to write such minor utilities in C.
> > Lets have no more silly C programs in net.sources.
> Not all of us agree that a small shell script is superior to a small
> C program.   Compare the cost of running "clear" n times with the cost
> of writing thought-out C code to perform the same task. 

"Cost" measured how?  If it's fast enough, it's fast enough; it does not
need to be made faster.  Civilized people use shell scripts anywhere they
can, with C implementations done when, and *only* when, the performance
of a shell implementation has proven to be inadequate in real use.

This applies to large programs too, by the way.
				Henry Spencer @ U of Toronto Zoology

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