help command

aeb at turing.UUCP aeb at turing.UUCP
Wed Nov 14 01:36:12 AEST 1984

This is a nice little program; unfortunately it dumped core on me the
very first time I tried it.
Patch (around the call of send_man):
	if(item_ptr->down == NULLPTR)	/* must be manual */ {
		item_ptr = item_ptr->up;
	item_count = send_list(item_ptr->down);

and don't let send_man return any value. (While looking at the code in
send_man() you might note some other bizarre things, like the double
call to wait, and the return after execlp failed.)

The problem was that after a call to send_man item_count had the wrong
value, so that any legal answer would give a core dump.

(I cannot give a diff listing since I ran the source through indent
and threw out all full line comments without information that made
the program so difficult to read. Well chosen identifiers are a better
documentation than comments like
/*......... here the variables are declared ...........................*/
and the likes.)
      Andries Brouwer -- CWI, Amsterdam -- {philabs,decvax}!mcvax!aeb

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