optimized network paths for news 2.10.2

jhull at spp2.UUCP jhull at spp2.UUCP
Wed Nov 7 03:32:20 AEST 1984

> []
> >I have a smart mailer but don't trust it unless I can see
> >what it is doing.
> >-- 
> >Bill Sebok			Princeton University, Astrophysics
> >{allegra,akgua,burl,cbosgd,decvax,ihnp4,noao,princeton,vax135}!astrovax!wls
> 	If you don't trust some servant, there may be two reasons: either
> 	he is stupid and may do things the wrong way, or he is disloyal.
> 	If you don't trust a *smart* mailer, then it must be disloyal.
> 	Servants tend to turn disloyal by being mistreated by their masters.
> 							  Biep.
> 	{seismo|decvax|philabs}!mcvax!vu44!botter!klipper!biep

This raises a question for Bill:  Is the path you are objecting to
unworkable or non-optimal?  If the former, we all have a problem.  If
the latter, perhaps we are defining the current state of the art.

				Blessed Be,

				Jeff Hull
				trwspp!spp2!jhull at trwrb.UUCP
				jhull at spp2.UUCP

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