Bug in English to Phoneme Translation

Ken Arnold%CGL arnold at ucsfcgl.UUCP
Fri Apr 12 04:45:47 AEST 1985

In article <1451 at decwrl.UUCP> wasser_1 at viking.DEC (John A. Wasser) writes:
>	The file containing this bug also needs definitions of TRUE and
>		#define FALSE 0
>		#define TRUE (!FALSE)
>	These seem to be pre-defined in VAX VMS 'C' under which the
>	code was developed.
>		-John A. Wasser

Using '#define TRUE (!FALSE)' (or vice versa) like this causes a huge number
of lint complaints about "constant used in conditional context".  This
makes it difficult to use lint.  If one is going so far as to make the
assumption that 0 == FALSE, why not take the (relatively tiny) extra
step and assume that 1 == TRUE?

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