Bug in English to Phoneme Translation

John A. Wasser wasser_1 at viking.DEC
Wed Apr 3 02:08:38 AEST 1985

	There is a bug in the English to Phoneme translation I posted
	last week:

		In the routine leftmatch() there is a loop that looks
		like this:

			for ( ; pat != pattern ; pat--)

		This loop terminates early and should be changed to:
			int cnt;	/* Number of characters in pattern */
			for (cnt = strlen(pattern) ; cnt > 0 ; pat--,cnt--)

	I do not recommend fixing this by changing the != to >= because
	the variables are pointers and relational operations on pointers
	are not very portable.

	The file containing this bug also needs definitions of TRUE and

		#define FALSE 0
		#define TRUE (!FALSE)

	These seem to be pre-defined in VAX VMS 'C' under which the
	code was developed.

		-John A. Wasser

Work address:
Usenet:		{allegra,Shasta,decvax}!decwrl!dec-rhea!dec-viking!wasser
USPS:		Digital Equipment Corp.
		Mail stop: LJO2/E4
		30 Porter Rd
		Littleton, MA  01460

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