Roff in C

ron at trsvax.UUCP ron at trsvax.UUCP
Thu Jan 10 07:24:00 AEST 1985

[this line is a figment of your imagination]

First, I'd like to say that I think the Colonel did a great job of translating
this from assembly.  However, there are a couple of things I've noted in it.
	1) The reference of suftab is NEVER used anywhere.  Is this
	   for later use?
	2) Hyphenation has not been implemented.  The variables of
	   o_hc and o_hy are never used, but you can change them.
	3) Often, after a period only one space will be placed in the
	   text.  This should be two, but I've not looked at the source
	   to see why it's not.
	         		            Ron Light
		                    Fort Worth, Texas
   ... {convex!ctvax,microsoft,ihnp4!sys1}!trsvax!ron
	          ... cu-arpa.trsvax!ron at Cornell.ARPA

(we're roff to see the wizard)

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