uuhosts: extract and display mod.map.all

lee at unmvax.UUCP lee at unmvax.UUCP
Tue Jan 8 17:24:55 AEST 1985

 After receiving a letter from Mr. Quarterman it becomes obvious that
I opened my mouth without thinking again. My reply to his posting (upon
rereading it) obviously came across a bit smart-alecky. I did not intend
it as such, so I apologize.
 So, to restate my argument, with a little more thought and explanation
this time. chroot is not available to the normal user. The small piece
of code I posted was intended to be used in place
of his similar (in function) one so that Joe User could
make use of his package. I disagree with his use of chroot because it
is unnecessary.
 If someone chooses to use my algorithm instead of his I suggest that
they get the fixed version posted by Jay Plett as mine was erroneous.

			--Lee (Ward)

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