DIRED (distributed months ago) goes into infinite loop with SIGTSTP

Kevin Szabo ksbszabo at wateng.UUCP
Sat Jan 26 09:13:35 AEST 1985

It seems that there is a bit of a race condition when the signal
catcher redefines what to do with the signal and sends the signal
to itself. For the 4.2 version I changed the signal it sends to
be the non-catchable SIGSTOP. Only four lines have been added but
I'll send the whole routine so you can see the context. Sorry,
you can't use this with PATCH since I editted the original (yes, dangerous).

onctlz ()
  curxy (0, Tscrlen);
  ceol (0,Tscrlen);
#ifdef V4P2
  kill(0,SIGSTOP); /*re-send ^z, This one can't be caught. ksbszabo */
  kill(0,SIGTSTP); /*re-send ^z */
  signal(SIGTSTP,onctlz);  /* wake up here ... */
  if (!intype) telluser("");
  else {
    curxy (0, Tscrlen);
    ceol (0,Tscrlen);
Kevin Szabo  watmath!wateng!ksbszabo (U of Waterloo VLSI Group, Waterloo Ont.)

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