Problems in posting Battlestar, parts 1 and 2

Peter E. Yee yee at ucbvax.ARPA
Fri Jan 25 14:34:23 AEST 1985

It seems there were problems posting parts one and two of Battlestar,
from reports that I have gotten from the Net.  I suspect that this may
have to do with the fact  that those particular files exceeded 50000
bytes.  Therefore, I have posted split versions to net.sources.  To
properly use these files, extract them from the sharchive, and then
concatenate them as follows:

cat day1 day2 > dayfile


cat night1 night2 > nightfile

This should take care of any posting problems.  If there are any other
problems, just let me know.

						-Peter Yee
						yee at Berkeley.ARPA

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