posting to net.sources from ARPA-land

reid at Glacier.ARPA reid at Glacier.ARPA
Mon Jan 7 06:38:36 AEST 1985

From: Brian Reid <reid at Glacier>

Glacier has an ARPA/usenet gateway that is pretty idle. I have set up
two ARPA-land mailing addresses that people who are not directly on Usenet
can use to post to net.sources.  I have seen many requests for this capability
and requests for people to do this posting. Let's see how it works. Tell your
ARPA-land friends that they can mail to
	unix-net-sources at SU-Glacier.ARPA
	unix-net-sources-bugs at SU-Glacier.ARPA
to post to net.sources and net.sources.bugs respectively.

		Brian Reid
	Brian Reid	decwrl!glacier!reid
	Stanford	reid at SU-Glacier.ARPA

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