Irritations and bugs in vc spreadsheet calculator.

Hans Albertsson hans at log-hb.UUCP
Mon Jan 7 02:35:38 AEST 1985

The posted version of the vc spreadsheet calculator had a couple of 
irritating features, and one real bug.

Features, irritating:
	The help message was erroneously placed on the screen, and long
	enough to evoke the wrap bug of DEC terminals. The screen got
	messed up badly. Fix to lex.c below.

	The normal choice for erase character backwards may well be ^H,
	but to me that's utterly unnatural. I simply added DEL to do
	the same. Really, one should ask an ioctl to get the character
	in question.
	Since ^U arg does the emacs thing, why not have <ESC> arg act
	These are fixed in sc.c below.
Bug, real:
	If the entry cursor moved over a position occupied by a
	character, that character was erased from the screen.
	Fixed by saving what was there before, and replacing.
	Fixed in sc.c.

Commands for the below diffs were
rcsdiff -c -r1.1 file.ext > tmpfile
in both cases.

*** /tmp/,RCSt1007414	Sun Jan  6 13:20:29 1985
--- sc.c	Sun Jan  6 00:13:56 1985
*** 63,68
      register struct ent **p;
      static  lastmx,
      int     maxcol;
      int     rows = LINES - 2;
      int     cols;

--- 63,69 -----
      register struct ent **p;
      static  lastmx,
+     static  char *under_cursor = " ";
      int     maxcol;
      int     rows = LINES - 2;
      int     cols;
*** 113,119
  	    c += fwidth[col];
!     mvaddstr (lastmy, lastmx, " ");
      lastmy = currow - strow + 2;
      lastmx = 0;
      for (col = stcol; col <= curcol;)

--- 114,121 -----
  	    c += fwidth[col];
!     mvaddstr (lastmy, lastmx, under_cursor);
      lastmy = currow - strow + 2;
      lastmx = 0;
      for (col = stcol; col <= curcol;)
*** 118,124
      lastmx = 0;
      for (col = stcol; col <= curcol;)
  	lastmx += fwidth[col++];
!     mvaddstr (lastmy, lastmx, "<");
      move (0, 0);
      clrtoeol ();
      if (linelim >= 0) {

--- 120,128 -----
      lastmx = 0;
      for (col = stcol; col <= curcol;)
  	lastmx += fwidth[col++];
!     move( lastmy, lastmx);
!     *under_cursor = inch();
!     addstr ("<");
      move (0, 0);
      clrtoeol ();
      if (linelim >= 0) {
*** 185,191
  	clrtoeol ();
  	fflush (stdout);
  	seenerr = 0;
! 	if ((c = nmgetch ()) < ' ')
  	    switch (c) {
  		case ctl (z):
  		    noraw ();

--- 189,195 -----
  	clrtoeol ();
  	fflush (stdout);
  	seenerr = 0;
! 	if (((c = nmgetch ()) < ' ') || ( c == 0177 ))
  	    switch (c) {
  		case ctl (z):
  		    noraw ();
*** 220,225
  		    move (1, 0);
  		    clrtoeol ();
  		case ctl (h):
  		    while (--arg>=0) if (linelim > 0)
  			line[--linelim] = 0;

--- 224,230 -----
  		    move (1, 0);
  		    clrtoeol ();
+ 		case 0177:
  		case ctl (h):
  		    while (--arg>=0) if (linelim > 0)
  			line[--linelim] = 0;
*** 280,285
  		    break;	/* ignore flow control */
  		case ctl (s):
  		    break;	/* ignore flow control */
  		case ctl (u):
  		    narg = arg * 4;
  		    nedistate = 1;

--- 285,294 -----
  		    break;	/* ignore flow control */
  		case ctl (s):
  		    break;	/* ignore flow control */
+ 		case 033:
+ 		    narg = arg;
+ 		    nedistate = 1;
+ 		    break;
  		case ctl (u):
  		    narg = arg * 4;
  		    nedistate = 1;
*** /tmp/,RCSt1007424	Sun Jan  6 13:21:29 1985
--- lex.c	Sat Jan  5 20:12:50 1985
*** 94,100
  int dbline;
  debug (fmt, a, b, c) {
! 	move (3+(dbline++%22),40);
  	printw (fmt,a,b,c);

--- 94,100 -----
  int dbline;
  debug (fmt, a, b, c) {
! 	mvprintw (2+(dbline++%22),40,fmt,a,b,c);
*** 96,102
  debug (fmt, a, b, c) {
  	move (3+(dbline++%22),40);
- 	printw (fmt,a,b,c);
  help () {

--- 96,101 -----
  debug (fmt, a, b, c) {
  	mvprintw (2+(dbline++%22),40,fmt,a,b,c);
  help () {
*** 102,114
  help () {
      dbline = 0;
  /*	   "====================!===================" */
!     debug ("|^N next row          ^P previous row");
!     debug ("|^F next column       ^B previous column");
!     debug ("|^C exit              ^G erase command");
!     debug ("|^H erase char        ^L fix screen");
!     debug ("|^J open new row      ^V type var name");
!     debug ("|^A type var value    ^E type var expr");
!     debug ("|^R redraw screen     ?  help (this msg)");
      debug ("|");
      debug ("|=  enter new value   C  clear entry");
      debug ("|\"  label             f  set format");

--- 101,113 -----
  help () {
      dbline = 0;
  /*	   "====================!===================" */
!     debug ("|^N next row         ^P previous row");
!     debug ("|^F next column      ^B previous column");
!     debug ("|^C exit             ^G erase command");
!     debug ("|DEL,^H erase char   ^L fix screen");
!     debug ("|^J open new row     ^V type var name");
!     debug ("|^A type var value   ^E type var expr");
!     debug ("|^R redraw screen    ?  help (this msg)");
      debug ("|");
      debug ("|=  enter new value  C  clear entry");
      debug ("|\"  label            f  set format");
*** 110,123
      debug ("|^A type var value    ^E type var expr");
      debug ("|^R redraw screen     ?  help (this msg)");
      debug ("|");
!     debug ("|=  enter new value   C  clear entry");
!     debug ("|\"  label             f  set format");
!     debug ("|<  left flush str    >  right flush str");
!     debug ("|g  get database      p  put database");
!     debug ("|w  write listing     T  write tbl fmt");
!     debug ("|r  open row here     c  open col here");
!     debug ("|d  delete this row   D  delete this col");
!     debug ("|E  edit string       e  edit value");
      debug ("|M  merge in database");
      debug ("|");
      debug ("| ***operators***");

--- 109,122 -----
      debug ("|^A type var value   ^E type var expr");
      debug ("|^R redraw screen    ?  help (this msg)");
      debug ("|");
!     debug ("|=  enter new value  C  clear entry");
!     debug ("|\"  label            f  set format");
!     debug ("|<  left flush str   >  right flush str");
!     debug ("|g  get database     p  put database");
!     debug ("|w  write listing    T  write tbl fmt");
!     debug ("|r  open row here    c  open col here");
!     debug ("|d  delete this row  D  delete this col");
!     debug ("|E  edit string      e  edit value");
      debug ("|M  merge in database");
      debug ("|");
      debug ("| ***operators***");

Hans Albertsson, USENET/uucp: {decvax,philabs}!mcvax!enea!log-hb!hans
Real World:  TeleLOGIC AB, Box 1001, S-14901 Nynashamn,SWEDEN

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