Roff in C bugs?

George Sicherman colonel at gloria.UUCP
Sun Jan 6 11:34:45 AEST 1985

> []
> The posted version of this program does not work and was apparently
> never tested.  As posted, any request at the beginning of a text file
> causes the whole file to be skipped because of a logic error in the
> basic input routine, called "suck()."  It is well named.  Leading
> spaces do not cause a line break since the logic to do this is missing.
> Blank lines disappear.  Doubtless there are other bugs as well.
> Pity.  Would have been useful.

It was tested, but not thoroughly.  Anyway, you're right about the
line breaks - not implemented.  I haven't been able to duplicate
the problem with a request at the beginning of the file.  Can you
give an example?
Col. G. L. Sicherman

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