Bug in compress

Kenneth Almquist ka at hou3c.UUCP
Wed Jan 16 08:20:03 AEST 1985

> The following code appears in two places in compress.c:
>     while ( (c = getchar()) != (unsigned) EOF ) {
> The problem is that ((unsigned) -1) is not the same thing as ((int) -1).
> The vax (and many other machines) do 32-bit compares, and say they are
> equal, but other machines (correctly) do not.  The program drops into
> an infinite loop looking for EOF.

The bug is in your C compiler, not in compress.  When one operand of
a binary operator is of type int and the other is of type unsigned,
both operands should be converted to unsigned.
					Kenneth Almquist

"Of course I don't read the C reference manual; it didn't come over the USENET!"

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