Terminal problems in hack

Peter E. Yee yee at ucbvax.ARPA
Sat Jan 12 05:29:56 AEST 1985

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I have a hazeltine 1500 terminal for which I have built a working termcap
(the /etc/termcap entry didn't work too well). It works now with
talk, and some screen games (hangman, worm, snake, warp). It doesn't
work with hack even though srogue works beautifully. The problem with
hack is that one horizontal line in the middle of the screen doesn't get
printed where it's supposed to be, but is printed at the top.
If anyone knows what the problem is, or has any ideas, please reply.

p.s. vi doesn't work too well either. upon hitting j, nothing happens on
the screen, even though redrawing the screen shows you are at the correct


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