Public Domain Curses/Terminfo problems

Mark Horton mark at cbosgd.UUCP
Tue Jan 15 02:46:09 AEST 1985

In article <7163 at brl-tgr.ARPA> Jeff Dean <jeff at aids-unix> writes:
>Well, it looks like lots of us are having problems with
>the terminfo/curses distribution.  There seem to be a
>bunch of problems with mille just in terms of keeping
>track of things on the screen.  I found that with the
>terminfo version, the screen needs to be restored fairly
>often; I didn't have the same problem with the termcap

You didn't say what kind of terminal you have - chances are that
you have a terminal with an obscure property.

Pavel's version of curses is best considered a prototype.  It has
not had the 3 years of support that my curses has.  It is, however,
largely compatible, and in the public domain.  It is also very clean
code, when I needed to fix a couple of bugs, they were easy to find.
Finally, his terminfo compiler is much much better than mine, in fact,
I'm now using his.

If you have the System V Release 2 curses, you're probably better off
to use it.  If you don't have it but can easily get it (this probably
applies to universities, who can get an SVR2 source tape for almost
no money plus an infinite amount of time) it's worthwhile getting it.
However, if you don't expect to get the SVR2 curses soon, here's a
public domain implementation that works decently well.  It's probably
worth putting a little time into to make it work better.


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