Public Domain Curses/Terminfo problems

urban at spp2.UUCP urban at spp2.UUCP
Tue Jan 8 09:06:53 AEST 1985

Well, I installed the terminfo/curses  11-part magnum opus on
our (4.2bsd) system and and compiled the "mille" test program.
There are two immediate problems:

1) It doesn't seem to handle Stop properly.  It redraws the
   screen but never pops back to the C-shell.  The "tstp"
   routine seems quite different from what's in the 4.2bsd
   distributed "curses"...

2) The resulting "mille" program is painfully, agonizingly,
   horribly slow compared to what's in /usr/games.  What
   on Earth is it *doing*?

This doesn't bode well.


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