Needed: Help with a Pascal Compiler under Unix.

.UUCP 's at btbnl
Sat Jan 12 12:35:43 AEST 1985

	I am requesting a little help
from some kind soul out there in arpa
land.  I am tring to get a Pascal
Compiler (public domain category) in-
stalled on a PDP-11 running Unix
	I have gotten a copy of Path
Pascal Compiler, (which is for a sys-
tem running Unix bsd4.1 and bsd4.2)
and wanted to know if anyone out there
has done any similar work on convert-
ing it to run under V7.  If someone
has, I would appreciate hearing from
	If anyone has any other pack-
age that would satisfy these needs, I
would also appreciate hearing from you.
	Touching another subject,
Somewhere I read that there was an
interpreter that read a Pascal source
file and converted it to 'C'. Does
anyone know of any such 'animal'??

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

		Thanks in Advance,
		William M. Tatun
(BT at BNL)

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