Vnews Erase-to-EOL problem (old?)

Enrique Garcia garcia at bnl.UUCP
Mon Mar 4 05:09:23 AEST 1985


Forgive me if this has already been found, but I just came across the
problem with my new terminal, an Adds Regent 20.

In version B 2.10.2 (dated 9/18/84), if your terminal has auto-wrap mode
(that is, if you space to column 80, and then one more, it automatically
goes to column 1 of the next line), it seems you have to set your screen
size to X-1 (I have to set my 80 column terminal's termcap to 79 when
using this version of VNEWS).  If you don't?  When VNEWS tries do use the
direct-addressing + Erase-to-End-Of-Line stuff (to clear out the stuff
past read) it misses a lot of stuff, leaving garbage on the screen.

garcia at bnl.ARPA, garcia at bnl.BITNET, ..!decvax!philabs!sbcs!bnl!garcia

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