Small fix in vc

Bill Vaughn bill at ur-cvsvax.UUCP
Wed Mar 6 01:47:20 AEST 1985

For those people who use 'vi', there's a small problem in 'vc' which can
cause big headaches: If you happen, say out of habit, hit the left arrow
key instead of 'h', you will have just deleted the column the cursor was
on.  This is because (on vt's) left arrow is <esc>OD. 'vc' ignores the
<esc> and says 'O' is illegal but 'D' is ok and the column is gone. (Maybe
the fix should a 'U' command for undo :-).
Anyway, until I break that habit the following fix works:

In sc.c insert the following code after the second switch statement in the
'while (running) {' loop:

	case '[':
	case 'O':
		c = nmgetch();

Bill Vaughn
MAIL: UNIV. OF ROCHESTER, Center for Visual Science, Rochester, NY 14627
UUCP: {allegra,seismo,decvax}!rochester!ur-cvsvax!bill

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