Sysline on a vt100

Leif Samuelsson leif at erisun.UUCP
Sat Nov 23 03:12:19 AEST 1985

In article <396 at erisun.UUCP> hans at erisun.UUCP (Hans Albertson) writes:
>Shucks, Leif, but if sysline can't handle padding, then sysline
>has a bug, and, ipso facto, sysline should be corrected.
>Source code for ever!

(Jag trodde att jag f|rklarade detta, men jag tar g{rna om
 det inf|r hela n{tet)

First, we don't have source code for sysline, as far as I know.

Second, I don't intend to support bug fixes for 4.2 if I can help
it. Anyone who wants to fix sysline, can just remove the TERMCAP
patch in my script.

I really prefer writing software that works on existing systems,
instead of having to change every system it is likely to run on.

Besides, sysline isn't the only program in 4.2 that can't handle
padding. Try using "rain" on a vt100, for instance.


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