Sysline on a vt100

Leif Samuelsson leif at erisun.UUCP
Tue Nov 26 01:13:19 AEST 1985

Well, life isn't always as simple a one would think. It turned out
that I hadn't tested my TERMCAP with VI properly. VI has 24 lines
hard-coded in at least one place which defeats the new definition.

A work-around is to fool VI to think that we don't have region scroll,
without fooling any other programs (like scame). We can do this by
turning off the set/restore cursor capabilities. Unfortunately, VI no
longer does any scrolling, but puts '@' on removed lines instead.

It's easy to fix VI for those who have source. Just replace '23' with
'LINES-1' in file ex_vadj.c, function vdelline(). Then remove the
':sc@:rc@:' below.

Here is the revised TERMCAP line for my script:

    setenv TERMCAP `echo "$TERMCAP" | sed -e 's/:/:li#23:i2=\\E[1;23r\\E[23;1H:is=\\E[1;23r\\E[23;1H:sc@:rc@:cl=50\\E[24;1H\\E[1J\\E[1;23r:hs:es:ts=\\E7\\E[24;%dH\\E[1K:fs=\\E8:/' -e 's/=2\\E/=\\E/g'`

And here is the full TERMCAP entry for those who prefer:

dj|vt100-s-bot|f4431|dec vt100 with status line at bottom:\
d0|vt100|vt100-am|dec vt100:\

Leif Samuelsson				..enea!erix!erisun!leif
Ericsson Information Systems AB, Advanced Workstations Division
S-172 93  SUNDBYBERG, Sweden		(59 19' N / 17 57' E)

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