uumail DIFFS

Stan Barber sob at neuro1.UUCP
Mon Nov 25 07:20:05 AEST 1985

A severe bug in the code of address.c and a possible bug (only seen on
some systems) in getpath.c have been reported by users so far. Also
another user has submitted a speedup for getpath.c.

The DIFFS to install these fixes/enhancements has been submitted to
mod.sources. If you need them and can not get them from mod.souces,
drop me a letter and I will mail them to you.
Stan		uucp:{ihnp4!shell,rice}!neuro1!sob     Opinions expressed
Olan		ARPA:sob at rice.arpa		       here are ONLY mine &
Barber		CIS:71565,623   BBS:(713)660-9262      noone else's.

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