Subtle bug in rcs

Stanley Friesen friesen at psivax.UUCP
Tue Nov 19 08:37:39 AEST 1985

	On BSD 4.2 systems (and presumably 4.3) 'rcs' may incorrectly
set the file access and modification times. This is due to an invalid
assumption about the stability of the fields in a 'struct stat'. The
code as it exists assumes that st_mtime will always follow immediately
after st_atime. This is *not* true on BSD 4.2.
	The bug will only appear if the command has been compiled with
the -DVARIAN option.

	Choose an RCS file to play with. Then do the following:

rcs -l filename
ls -l filename,v

the result will be:

-r--r--r--  1 user        48802 Feb 5 206 filename,v

	A context diff of the fix follows

------------------------CUT HERE-----------------------------------------

*** rcs.c.old	Mon Nov 18 14:08:15 1985
--- rcs.c	Mon Nov 18 14:08:20 1985
*** 164,169
          struct  Status  * curstate;
          struct  hshentry  * target;
          struct  access    *temp, *temptr;
          nerror = 0;

--- 164,172 -----
          struct  Status  * curstate;
          struct  hshentry  * target;
          struct  access    *temp, *temptr;
+ #ifdef VARIAN
+ 	time_t	timep[2];	/* Temporary for utime call	*/
+ #endif VARIAN
          nerror = 0;
*** 521,527
                  if (chmod(RCSfilename,filestatus.st_mode & ~0222)<0)
                        warn("Can't set mode of %s",RCSfilename);
! 		utime(RCSfilename,&filestatus.st_atime);
                  if (chmod(RCSfilename,filestatus.st_mode & ~0222)<0)

--- 524,532 -----
                  if (chmod(RCSfilename,filestatus.st_mode & ~0222)<0)
                        warn("Can't set mode of %s",RCSfilename);
! 		timep[0] = filestatus.st_atime;
! 		timep[1] = filestatus.st_mtime;
! 		utime(RCSfilename,timep);
                  if (chmod(RCSfilename,filestatus.st_mode & ~0222)<0)

				Sarima (Stanley Friesen)

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