wm doesn't work with 4.2bsd

Weird Casey sean at ukma.UUCP
Sat Nov 16 17:25:49 AEST 1985

It bombs out in newwin(), I think while trying a calloc().  This happens
whether you compile it with -DFAST or not.  If you run it with the "-"
option, it tries to get you to create some windows, but the cursor won't
move.  When you hit "x" it can't create a shell cause the window is zero

I accidentally sent this reply first to the moderator of the group.  Oops!
Perhaps postnews should verify with the user first before automatically
mailing something instead of posting.  

Sean Casey                             UUCP:  sean at ukma.UUCP   or
915 Patterson Office Tower                    {cbosgd,anlams,hasmed}!ukma!sean
University of Kentucky                 ARPA:  ukma!sean at ANL-MCS.ARPA
Lexington, Ky. 40506-0027            BITNET:  sean at UKMA.BITNET

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