Posting sources that work

Sean Casey sean at ukma.UUCP
Sat Oct 12 06:11:53 AEST 1985

I think that the rules for posting to Usenet should contain some stern
warnings about testing sources to make sure they work before posting them.
I have often had shell archives fail, and have saved sources that contain
very obvious bugs that cause the program to fail.

Please test those sources before posting!


~  Sean Casey                         UUCP:  sean at ukma.UUCP   or              ~
~  915 Patterson Office Tower                {cbosgd,anlams,hasmed}!ukma!sean ~
~  University of Kentucky             ARPA:  ukma!sean at ANL-MCS.ARPA           ~
~  Lexington, Ky. 40506-0027        BITNET:  sean at UKMA.BITNET                 ~

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