Posting sources that work

Keith B. Petersen w8sdz at brl-tgr.ARPA
Mon Oct 14 14:29:37 AEST 1985

It must certainly be possible with current technology to have
some automatic method of doing a checksum or crc check as one
"unshars".  I remember seeing some postings which did this until
someone complained that their version of Unix didn't have the
necessary checksum program.  It seems to me it would be a simple
matter to distribute such a program and require all net news sites
to make it available to users.  As things stand now, one never knows
for sure if the submitted files are complete.  I have had several
occasions recently where they were not.  They did not exceed the
64k limit, so that wasn't the problem. Maybe it was the old bug
where if a new line started with a "." it was taken as end-of-file.

--Keith Petersen
Keith Petersen

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