
Malloy freak at ihlpa.UUCP
Tue Aug 26 05:43:12 AEST 1986

      * * * * * * This is NOT a flame, just a plea for help. * * * * * *

    To all Netters:

            About a month ago, I posted a request for the uuencode/uudecode
    and  arc  programs.   So  far  I have heard nothing.  Many programs are
    posted in a form that I cannot use.  Some of these sound  great  and  I
    think  that  I would like to have them.  But, I cannot do anything with
    them without help.  I am the system administrator  for  a  UNIX  system
    running  5.2.4.   I  also  have  an  AT&T  PC6300.  What I need are the
    programs and the instructions to take a  downloaded  program  from  the
    encrypted  form  and get it into a form that the PC will understand.  I
    currently have a program that will transfer data from my UNIX system to
    the  PC  and  ARC  5.1 on the PC.  I must need a different ARC program,
    because the files that are posted as ARC files are not readable by  the
    PC.  Do I need ARC on the UNIX side?  Are uuencode/uudecode run on UNIX
    or on the PC or both?  Can anyone out there help me?

   ____   _______   _____   _______     -------                  Clancy Malloy
  / __ \ |__   __| /   _ \ |__   __|  -====------    Unix System Administrator
 | (__) |   | |    \  \ \_\   | |    -======------             ...!ixlpe!freak
 |  __  |   | |    /   \ __   | |    --====-------             IX 1J-146 x0453
 | |  | |   | |   |  (\ / /   | |     -----------               AT&T Bell Labs
 |_|  |_|   |_|    \_____/    |_|       -------                 Naperville, IL 

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