checkmail (a cute little mailchecking utility)

chris chris at pixutl.UUCP
Wed Aug 27 00:55:04 AEST 1986

> I've had this alias since the first day I used csh:
> 	alias ">"	"cat /dev/null >"
> {decvax!genrad,harvard!talcott}!panda!enmasse!guy
>                                 panda!enmasse!guy at

You can make it quicker:

 	alias ">"	": >"


 Chris Bertin       :  (603) 881-8791 x218
 xePIX Inc.         :
 51 Lake St         :  {allegra|ihnp4|cbosgd|ima|genrad|amd|harvard}\
 Nashua, NH 03060   :     !wjh12!pixel!pixutl!chris

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