Larn 12.0 portablitity bug

JHU UNIX Development Group mwh_adev at jhunix.UUCP
Fri Aug 22 23:40:39 AEST 1986

> In article <145 at sas.UUCP> jcz at sas.UUCP (Carl Zeigler) writes:
> >In article <164 at iwtpu.UUCP>, dpb at iwtpu.UUCP writes:
> > > Larn will not compile on System V because it uses a BSD ioctl FIONREAD to
> > > check how many characters are stil waiting to be read. I have not fixed this
> > > but I will if I get the time.
> > > -- 
> >
> >I deleted the first call to ioctl with FIONREAD,
> >and changed flushall to call ioctl( 0, TCFLSH, 0);
> >
> >works fine.
> Gee, I wish I had your luck. For me, changing the call in flushall works
> fine, but deleting the other call just gives me a game where I can move
> around fine on the surface, but can only make one move in the dungeon
> before the game hangs.
> Just when I thought I had that licked, the game starts giving me SIGSEGV
> everytime I hit a monster.
> Other larn 12.0 problems:
> I got a "too many initializers" error from signal.c- Simple fix, you just
> have to remove some null initializers from the structure holding signal
> calls.
> Worse, however, (for me at least) is all the use of reverse video in the
> new version of larn. For you with VT-100's, this is fine, but some of us
> have so-called "magic cookie" terminals such as the Televideo 950. On one
> of these terminals, you get an ever changing amount of reverse video on
> screen as the screen attribute characters are written and overwritten.
> Here's to larn 13.0...
> -- 
> Name:		John Ruschmeyer
> US Mail:	Monmouth College, W. Long Branch, NJ 07764
> Phone:		(201) 571-3451
> UUCP:		...!vax135!petsd!moncol!john	...!princeton!moncol!john
> 						   ...!pesnta!moncol!john
> 	NOMAD: ... a mass of conflicting impulses. Absorbing it
> 		unsettled me.
> 	SPOCK: That unit was Rich Rosen.
> 					from "Rosen Trek"

I have had an even worse problem.  I managed to fix the buffer flushing
and all that, but after I play for 5 min or so, the terminal messed
up, never to recover.  I have tried this on every terminal type available,
but at some point during the game (5 or 10 min in) the terminal always
dies.   Any ideas?

mwh_adev%jhunix.BITNET at wiscvm.ARPA

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