Larn 12.0 portablitity bug

John Ruschmeyer john at moncol.UUCP
Wed Aug 20 23:32:39 AEST 1986

In article <145 at sas.UUCP> jcz at sas.UUCP (Carl Zeigler) writes:
>In article <164 at iwtpu.UUCP>, dpb at iwtpu.UUCP writes:
> > Larn will not compile on System V because it uses a BSD ioctl FIONREAD to
> > check how many characters are stil waiting to be read. I have not fixed this
> > but I will if I get the time.
> > -- 
>I deleted the first call to ioctl with FIONREAD,
>and changed flushall to call ioctl( 0, TCFLSH, 0);
>works fine.

Gee, I wish I had your luck. For me, changing the call in flushall works
fine, but deleting the other call just gives me a game where I can move
around fine on the surface, but can only make one move in the dungeon
before the game hangs.

Just when I thought I had that licked, the game starts giving me SIGSEGV
everytime I hit a monster.

Other larn 12.0 problems:

I got a "too many initializers" error from signal.c- Simple fix, you just
have to remove some null initializers from the structure holding signal

Worse, however, (for me at least) is all the use of reverse video in the
new version of larn. For you with VT-100's, this is fine, but some of us
have so-called "magic cookie" terminals such as the Televideo 950. On one
of these terminals, you get an ever changing amount of reverse video on
screen as the screen attribute characters are written and overwritten.

Here's to larn 13.0...

Name:		John Ruschmeyer
US Mail:	Monmouth College, W. Long Branch, NJ 07764
Phone:		(201) 571-3451
UUCP:		...!vax135!petsd!moncol!john	...!princeton!moncol!john

	NOMAD: ... a mass of conflicting impulses. Absorbing it
		unsettled me.
	SPOCK: That unit was Rich Rosen.
					from "Rosen Trek"

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