rn 4.3 patch #29

herbie at polaris.UUCP herbie at polaris.UUCP
Sun Aug 10 06:00:23 AEST 1986

In article <2933 at sdcrdcf.UUCP> lwall at sdcrdcf.UUCP (Larry Wall) writes:
>From doing a bit of analysis on the articles at my site, I'd venture to
>guess that the problem is either at ukma, or in the link between ukma and
>psuvm.bitnet.  All the sites above successfully relayed an article containing
>tabs to my system except ukma, which I don't have enough data to pin it on,
>but I found several articles that might have had tabs that didn't.  Note
>that both psuvm.bitnet and ukma are on bitnet, meaning there is likely an
>ascii to ebcdic translation in there somewhere.  I suspect this translation
>is translating the tabs to spaces since tab is problematical in ebcdic.

psuvax1 uses UREP to emulate the RSCS protocols necessary to talk to
the rest of BITNET and i assume ukma does too.  one of the things done
by UREP that sometimes gets in the way is that all mail messages have
their tabs expanded to blanks.  i presume that psuvax1 forwards news to
ukma using the BITNET mail protocol and therefore undergoes the tab
expansion since a standard news article is supposed to be compatible
with the RFC 822 mail standard.  there are ways around this but it
assumes that both parties at psuvax1 and ukma get together and decide
to modify how they send news to each other slightly.

Herb Chong, IBM Research...

I'm still user-friendly -- I don't byte, I nybble....

UUCP:  {allegra|cbosgd|cmcl2|decvax|ihnp4|seismo}!philabs!polaris!herbie
CSNET: herbie%ibm.com at csnet-relay
ARPA:  herbie at ibm.com, herbie%yktvmh.bitnet at wiscvm.wisc.edu
DISCLAIMER:  what you just read was produced by pouring lukewarm
tea for 42 seconds onto 9 people chained to 6 Ouiji boards.

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