rn 4.3 patch #29

Larry Wall lwall at sdcrdcf.UUCP
Wed Aug 6 10:24:45 AEST 1986

In article <316 at comp.lancs.ac.uk> stephen at comp.lancs.ac.uk (Stephen J. Muir) writes:
>This patch fails because all the tabs have been converted to spaces.  The
>offending site is one of the following:
>	topaz
>	decvax
>	bellcore
>	ulysses
>	cbosgd
>	ukma
>	psuvm.bitnet
>	psuvax1
>	burdvax

>From doing a bit of analysis on the articles at my site, I'd venture to
guess that the problem is either at ukma, or in the link between ukma and
psuvm.bitnet.  All the sites above successfully relayed an article containing
tabs to my system except ukma, which I don't have enough data to pin it on,
but I found several articles that might have had tabs that didn't.  Note
that both psuvm.bitnet and ukma are on bitnet, meaning there is likely an
ascii to ebcdic translation in there somewhere.  I suspect this translation
is translating the tabs to spaces since tab is problematical in ebcdic.

Larry Wall

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