rn 4.3 patch #29

David Herron, NPR Lover david at ukma.UUCP
Wed Aug 6 02:30:11 AEST 1986

In article <316 at comp.lancs.ac.uk> stephen at comp.lancs.ac.uk (Stephen J. Muir) writes:
>This patch fails because all the tabs have been converted to spaces.  The
>offending site is one of the following:
> ...
>        cbosgd
>        ukma
>        psuvm.bitnet
>        psuvax1
>        burdvax

Sigh.  The fault is somewhere along the path of psuvax1->psuvm.bitnet->ukma,
depending on your religious tendancies.

What happens is that our news is fed via BITNET from psuvm.bitnet (they're
an IBM 308x and don't even run anything like Unix there, news there is a
bunch of REXX programs and all that IBMish garbage).  Anyway they don't know
what tabs or form-feeds are and both get translated into tabs or blank
lines as appropriate.

>From here we feed some articles (those posted "within" 9 sites "away"
from ukma) to cbosgd.  The theory is to get locally posted articles
fed back through the net in two directions.  But this also catches
some articles which are posted "near" to psuvm.bitnet.  Some of these
articles will make it through cbosgd.

I don't really like the situation as-is but this is the cheapest way
to handle the dual needs of cheap news and getting our own articles
out quickly.  The only way to improve it is to have our main feed
be from a Unix machine through BITNET (instead of an IBM mainframe(!)
as it is now).

Anybody care to give us a feed??????

David Herron,  cbosgd!ukma!david, david at UKMA.BITNET, david at uky.csnet

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