bug in UNaXcess "getuser()" [user.c]

Gary S. Trujillo gst at wjh12.HARVARD.EDU
Sat Aug 2 04:46:55 AEST 1986

There appears to be a problem in the routine getuser() in file user.c in
Brandon Allbery's "UNaXcess" bulletin board system recently posted to
net.sources.  Here's the fix:

	< 			for (p++, q = lcuname; *p != ':'; p++, q++)
	> 			for (p++, q = lcuname; *p != '\n'; p++, q++)

By the way, I have applied lint to all the code, and have managed to stifle
most of its complaints.  If anyone wants my lintified version, please let me
know.  It should be ready fairly soon.

	Gary Trujillo

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