bug in UNaXcess "getuser()" [user.c]

Gary S. Trujillo gst at talcott.HARVARD.EDU
Sat Aug 2 09:20:57 AEST 1986

Oops.  I found a problem with UNaXcess, but I got the fix wrong.  It has
to do with a case in which the "userfile" has an entry which is matched
in getuser() which has too few colons.  I believe that the test at line
51 should read:

	if (ncolon < 6) {

Otherwise, an entry with fewer than 6 colons would be allowed, and one
of the for loops in the code that follows could go into a long search
through memory looking for a colon, clobbering various things as it goes.

I have just started looking at the code, so I might find additional problems
later.  If anyone else out there is working on the code and finds problems,
please post them here, or let me know via mail.  Thanks.
	Gary Trujillo

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