Adventure Games Sought

mg at cidam.UUCP mg at cidam.UUCP
Sat Jul 19 19:33:40 AEST 1986

In article <869 at ucbcad.BERKELEY.EDU>, chapman at (Brent Chapman) writes:
> In article <515 at ur-tut.UUCP> sag2 at ur-tut.UUCP (Dent Arthur Dent) writes:
> >
> >... ... ....  What I really need is the source.  Almost any language is
> >acceptable, but C is preferable and Pascal is a distant second.  These 
> >games were great and I would really like to be able to play them again.
> In any case, most microcomputer adventure games (especially the earlier
> ones, such as the Scott Adams stuff, and ZORK and such) were written in
> assembler.  
> Brent

Actually, from what I read, MUDL (or somesuch name) was the original language
for ZORK.

What I really want to say is that on the 4.2 distribution tape there is
something called ddl (Dungeon Description Language). Ddl means that you
no longer have to pine for adventureland (whatever that is) because you
can write a ddl description for yourself.

I have never used ddl myself so I can't comment on its utility. Nor do
we keep sources on line (no disk space) hence I haven't checked to see
if it's VAX specific.  I think that it was written at UCLA.  

I have vague memories of some skeleton adventure style games provided with
ddl, so it shouldn't be too hard to get something built.

-- Mike
		Michael Gigante [Research Engineer]	
UUCP:..!seismo!munnari!!mg Dept Mechanical & Production Eng. at    Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology			GPO Box 2476V
Phone: +61 3 660-2161 			Melbourne Vic., Australia 3001

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