Adventure Games Sought

wjb at goanna.UUCP wjb at goanna.UUCP
Fri Jul 18 20:15:04 AEST 1986

In article <869 at ucbcad.BERKELEY.EDU>, chapman at (Brent Chapman) writes:
> In any case, most microcomputer adventure games (especially the earlier
> ones, such as the Scott Adams stuff, and ZORK and such) were written in
> assembler.
Not true!  ZORK originated at MIT, written in FORTRAN (I think).
The micro versions had an assembler core interpreter, but the actual
adventures were in a high-level-language, especially created for ZORK.

Warwick Bolam				CSNet: wjb at goanna.oz
Dept of Computing			UUCP:  seismo!munnari!goanna.oz!wjb
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology
124 La Trobe St				ARPA: munnari!goanna.oz!wjb at SEISMO.ARPA
Melbourne, Victoria 3000

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