War problems (bugs??)

Mike W Hrybyk mwh_adev at jhunix.UUCP
Sat May 17 00:42:22 AEST 1986

> WAR compiled with no errors, but when I tried to use the -e option (I
> have not tried using it with another person yet), it came back with
> the error "bad object file [table, I forget which]".  What is going
> wrong?  I have checked the path for the file several times, but it is
> correct.  Is there something I am missing or is this a real bug?
> The Wumpus    UUCP:    allegra!rochester!ur-tut!aptr
>               BITNET:  aptrccss at uorvm

You're lucky to have gotten that far..... When I tried to compile war
with the sysV bug fixes, it dumped core.  The problem I have is somewhere
in boardinit(),  it dumps core on a line similar to 
cc->c_ur = &edge (or whatever the upper right direction ptr is called).
Any ideas?

Paul Markowitz

"A pessimist is someone who won't call on G-d because he is certain he will
get an answering machine."
				--My sister

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