War problems (bugs??)

Odin odin at bucsb.bu.edu.UUCP
Sun May 18 04:01:37 AEST 1986

     I also do not have root privilages, but when I changed the addresses
Organization: Boston University
Lines: 19

of the files there didn't seem to be any problems.  I would ask one of your
friends to check it for you (theres always a possibility that someone will
see something you have missed).  I am having another problem however, The
game seems to work fine in the edit mode, but when two people try to play
They don't seem to be able to communicate.  It sets up the socket alright
(in /tmp), and acknowledges that the other person is playing, but neither
one is able to make moves, or start the game, or anything else, except
quit.  When one person quits the other gets the message 'broken socket'.
Any ideas?

                     -   Ben Page  -
CSNET:     odin%bucsb at bu-cs
ARPANET:   odin%bucsb%bu-cs at csnet-relay
UUCP:      ...harvard!bu-cs!bucsb!odin
BITNET:    odin%bucsb%bu-cs%csnet-relay.arpa at wiscvm

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