Public Domain CAL(1)

Chad R. Larson chad at anasazi.UUCP
Sat May 17 13:16:25 AEST 1986

The Public Domain version of CAL(1) posted by Martin Minow had a
couple of bugs.  The first was the (possibly naive) belief that no one
would request a month or year less than 1.  Doing so had results from
amusing to fatal.  The second (and more important?) was that every
month except one in the year 1752 (can you guess which one?) was garbage.
Fixes to those bugs are posted to net.sources. Tested on our MegaFrame
(SysVr2), should work on all.
"I read the news today...oh, boy!"
	-John Lennon
UUCP:    {mot,terak}!anasazi!chad               Voice: Hey, Chad!
Ma Bell: (602) 870-3330                         ICBM:  N33deg,33min
Surface: International Anasazi, Inc.                   W112deg,03min
         7500 North Dreamy Draw Drive
         Suit 120
         Phoenix, AZ 85020

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