Network hospitality abuse

broman at noscvax.UUCP broman at noscvax.UUCP
Thu May 15 05:15:36 AEST 1986

In article <3789 at utah-cs.UUCP>, donn at utah-cs.UUCP (Donn Seeley) writes:
...<description of an academic's poverty>...
>   Last year in October and
> November, some obnoxious person shipped tens of megabytes of data from
> a uucp site on the east coast to one on the west coast, using
> utah-cs!hplabs as one of their links ...
>  Does anyone have a suggestion for handling these
> awkward situations?

Many sites restrict the size of messages they will pass on. Huge
mailings get tossed and a message of regret is returned. The limit is
usually 64K, sometimes 20K or less.

If someone tries sending rogue sources in itty bitty pieces, they
should be flamed by someone who watches the mail queue, or by mailer
software which logs a record on who sends how often.

It would be useful if data included info on such size limits
placed on forwarded mail.

Vincent Broman, code 632,  Naval Ocean Systems Center, San Diego, CA 92152, USA
Phone: +1 619 225 2365     Starship: 32d 42m 22s N/ 117d 14m 13s W
Arpa: broman at Uucp: {floyd,moss,bang,gould9,sdcsvax}!noscvax!broman

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