scandir() function

Chris Torek chris at umcp-cs.UUCP
Wed May 14 04:57:09 AEST 1986

In article <218 at transys.UUCP>, root at transys.UUCP (The Super User)
supplies a public-domain scandir().  The routine looks workable,
but is sensitive to `active' directories: if the number of directory
entries increases between the two scans, it will probably crash.

The following routines are *not* equivalent, but (assuming readdir()
is properly written) do not suffer from this problem.  In addition,
I think this version is generally more convenient.  It drops the
inode number and the other redundant information in a 4.2 style
directory, and it generates various error messages (both fatal and
non-fatal), but it does what I wanted at the time....

 * Save a string in managed memory.
char *
	char *s;
	char *t, *malloc(), *strcpy();

	if ((t = malloc((unsigned) (strlen(s) + 1))) == 0)
		error(1, errno, "out of memory");
	return (strcpy(t, s));

 * For qsort: perform a machine-collating-sequence sort.
machinesort(s1, s2)
	char **s1, **s2;
	int i;

	return ((i = **s1 - **s2) ? i : strcmp(*s1, *s2));

 * Scan a directory.  Return a sorted list of the names contained therein.
 * The list is dynamically allocated, and can be freed with freeit().
char **
	char *dname;
	register DIR *d;
	register struct direct *dp;
	register char **names, **np;
	register int nleft;
	int nnames;
	char *malloc(), *realloc();

	if ((d = opendir(dname)) == 0) {
		error(0, errno, "can't read %s", dname);
		return (0);
	nnames = 10;
	names = (char **) malloc((unsigned) (10 * sizeof *names));
	if (names == 0)
		error(1, errno, "out of memory");
	nleft = nnames - 1;	/* start off-by-one for terminator */
	np = names;
	while ((dp = readdir(d)) != 0) {
		if (dp->d_namlen == 1 && dp->d_name[0] == '.')
		if (dp->d_namlen == 2 && dp->d_name[0] == '.' &&
		    dp->d_name[1] == '.')
		if (--nleft < 0) {
			nleft = nnames - 1;	/* we're about to use one */
			nnames <<= 1;
			names = (char **) realloc((char *) names,
					(unsigned) (nnames * sizeof *names));
			if (names == 0)
				error(1, errno, "out of memory");
			np = names + nleft;
		*np++ = savestr(dp->d_name);
	qsort((char *) names, np - names, sizeof *names, machinesort);
	*np = 0;
	return (names);

 * Free a directory as returned by scanit().
	char **p;
	register char **q = p;

	while (*q)
	free((char *) p);
In-Real-Life: Chris Torek, Univ of MD Comp Sci Dept (+1 301 454 1415)
UUCP:	seismo!umcp-cs!chris
CSNet:	chris at umcp-cs		ARPA:	chris at

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