Installing software (was Re: Blindly Un-SHARing files)

Matt Crawford matt at oddjob.UUCP
Tue May 6 09:38:31 AEST 1986

One particular gripe of mine is the absolutely ridiculous
installation procedure for the new software from IMAGEN.
Step one is "become the super user", step two is "run this
gigantic script and do what it tells you".  The admin of a
neighboring system answered the "log file?" question with
"/dev/tty", which it promptly unlinked and created.  Ugh.
On ours it trashed 2 months of accounting data for our older
imagen somehow, we're still not quite sure how.  And it makes
you wait eons to load in all fonts for all types of printers,
whether you want them or not.  Then it does some bogus rmdir's
on non-empty directories that it created itself, with no echo of
the command and error messages suppressed.  I'm still steamed
about this installation script.  I complained to Imagen, but
they think it's the greatest thing since sliced time.
Matt		University	crawford at
Crawford	of Chicago	ihnp4!oddjob!matt

Sooner or later, generals will own you.

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