David P. Zimmerman dpz at topaz.RUTGERS.EDU
Mon May 5 09:51:59 AEST 1986

> XThis program requires the "dpy" library module which I have previously
> Xposted to net.sources.  If you do not have this module, then you must
> Xget it from someone else on the net.  I can no longer supply copies of
> Xdpy since this is my last day at Daisy.

Looks like I need the dpy library module.  Could someone mail it to
me?  Thanx in advance.

Name: David P. Zimmerman	Nickname: "Davidann" (don't ask)
Cute quote: " (well, *I* think it's cute!)
Arpa: dzimmerman at blue.rutgers.edu
Uucp: ...{harvard, allegra, seismo}!topaz!dpz

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