Larn 12.0 Bug

Peter shipley at
Mon Sep 8 21:20:41 AEST 1986

>In article <844 at ssc-vax.UUCP> erik at ssc-vax.UUCP (Erik Strom)
>writes double-spaced!:
>   I have found that whenever I start a new game, that the 'D' command
>shows that I have already learned the 'mle' and 'pro' spells, and I 
>have found the potion of cure dianthroritis. This is a consistent bug
>in the 12.0 version.

To  Fix this "bug" start game with the '-2' option, ie"

larn -2

That should FIX things nice.

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha...

Pete Shipley: 

email:   shipley at     Flames:  cc-29 at 
         ucbvax!violet!shipley                    ucbvax!cory!cc-29

corections: /dev/null                    Quote: "Anger is an energy"
I use to be shipley at pavepaws.Berkeley.EDU but pavepaws
kicked the bucket... R.I.P (Sigh)

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