Rn bug (minor calculation error)
Tony Birnseth
tonyb at tektools.UUCP
Sat Sep 6 08:58:28 AEST 1986
When new articles arrive, rn prints a message telling the user how
many new articles have arrived. ("nn new articles have arrived!")
The count is incorrect.
Repeat by:
Wait till this event occurs and the number of new articles reported
will be the sum of the old number of articles + the new ones that
have arrived instead of the difference between the new count and
the last know high numbered article.
The wrong variable name was used in the calculation, diffs follow.
Your rcsid and line numbers may vary.
RCS file: RCS/bits.c,v
retrieving revision 4.5
diff -r4.5 bits.c
< /* $Header: bits.c,v 4.5 86/08/19 21:48:56 tonyb Exp $
> /* $Header: bits.c,v 4.6 86/09/05 15:12:24 tonyb Exp $
> * Revision 4.6 86/09/05 15:12:24 tonyb
> * Changed variable name to correctly report the number of new
> * articles that have arrived.
> *
< (long)(lastart - firstart + 1),
> (long)(lastart - tmpfirst + 1),
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